Hi, I'm MT - creator of BFFdollz
I started making pixel dollz as a kid, and as an adult wished there were doll makers with dollz that looked like me. I figured we all might like to see ourselves as a pixel doll. I started streaming in 2020 during the pandemic as my work as a face painter slowed down. I started with Planet Zoo, a simulator game, and expanded into some community games as well. Recently I've also started streaming my pixel doll progress.
I am dedicated to creating pixel doll makers (dress up games), and bases with real life diversity and inclusion. I am slowly building up an inventory of bases, and items for the doll maker. My next step will be to begin working on getting the doll maker coded, and functional. I plan to beta release it to my Ko-Fi members before releasing it publicly. I also plan to have a private membership only maker with special bases, and items. Memberships, donations, and commissions will all directly support my work to make that happen.
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